At the beginning of February, the biggest Scandinavian developer conference “JFokus” took place in Stockholm. Within 3 days there were many interesting lectures on topics like “Distributed data management in a microservice architecture”, a workshop on how to write your own Java agents, several lectures on garbage collectors and memory optimization. But the most common […]
Improved pipeline build time with Maven, Jenkins and Surefire
Currently, I am dealing with a bug that leads to unstable build times. The setup consists of Jenkins, Maven and the Surefire Test plugin. Through this work, I’ve come across the fact that all the optimizations we use on our developer machines never found their way into our Jenkins pipeline. So then I started tuning […]
A trip to Sweden – JFokus 2020 Preparations
This year I will attend the JFokus conference in Stockholm, Sweden. It’s Swedens largest developer conference, with about 2000 attendes. The 2020 event is currently sold out and a waiting list is active. My current itinerary for the event Monday Tuesday Wednesday – Distributed data management in a microservice architecture – The Basics of Machine […]
Why your stateless Spring Boot Service still creates HTTP sessions
About two years ago I rolled out the first productive Spring Boot application within OpenShift. One of the problems we met back then was opening HTTP sessions even though we only rolled out a stateless REST server. A few days ago, there were problems with another REST service. When I was called up and saw […]
Faster Maven Builds
Last week I received a project laptop update. From 2 CPU cores it went up to 4 cores. Also the rest of the equipment suggests that the build time should be reduced significantly. But build time did not change at all on the new laptop:
Devoxx UK Deep Dive: Streams and CompletableFutures
A few weeks ago I took part in the DevOxx UK Deep Dive Session Parallel and Asynchronous Programming with Streams and CompletableFuture hold by Venkat Subramaniam (@venkat_s). I did write a lot of notes. So here they are 😀
Spring Boot: Interupt free rolling deployments
Today I added graceful-shutdown capabilities to our Spring Boot Application. The Springboot-Graceful-Shutdown enables your spring boot application to do a rolling deployment without any downtime on Openshift.
Retry handling with Swagger API Client and Failsafe using Java 1.7
My customer uses a generated Swagger API Client to use a REST Server from a monolithic application. Unfortunatly the monolith is stuck on Java 1.7. I did find the FailSafe Framework which would do exactly what we needed. With the exception being that every example code was using lambdas 😀 So I had to work […]